Family Zooms
Family Zoom-Most Frequently Asked Questions
Family Zoom-Most Frequently Asked Questions
- Karlene Burrell-McRae (she/her), Dean of the Undergraduate College -
- Ann-Therese Ortiz (she/her), Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, and Community Life -
- Beth Kotarski (she/her), Director of Health Services –
- Mary Beth Horvath (she/her), Associate Dean for First Year Experience–
- ViAnna Benard (she/her), Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement–
Q: How do students schedule appointments with their advisors?
A: The Class Deans have advising hours available. It is required for students to meet with their Class Dean. If sign-ups are full on calendly (a modern scheduling platform for eliminating the back-and-forth emails to find the perfect time to schedule meetings), students should reach out to their Class Dean directly to schedule an appointment. The Class Deans are Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience, Melissa Giess, Assistant Dean of Sophomore Experience, Baru Roberson, Assistant Dean of Junior Experience, and Akirah Fenimore, Assistant Dean of Senior Experience.
Q: Are first-year students assigned an academic advisor?
A: Yes, all first-year students are assigned and encouraged to meet regularly. Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience, communicates with first year students as early as June along with the rest of the First Year Experience staff, Andrew Wilbraham, Assistant Director of First Year Experience as well as our Graduate Assistant. Mary Beth will meet with every student and offers 12 sessions in the fall for students to sign up to meet in groups. Newsletters and emails are sent out to students regularly.
Q: Is it common for a first-year student to not have purchased hard copy books?
A: No, faculty let the students know what the students need for class and in some cases, they may not need to purchase any books.
Q: When do students declare a major?
A: Students declare their major during their sophomore year. During a student’s First Year we want them to get a variety of different subjects and experiences until they focus on what their major would be. Students can declare their major as early as October of their sophomore year.
Q: When are final exams?
A: Students have access to the schedule for final exams. Dates are publicized on the registrar’s page on the Bryn Mawr website.
Q: What is the best way to know how a student is doing academically?
A: Parents and guardians will need to ask their students directly. Students can access their grades on Bionic. Staff and faculty cannot offer that information to a parent or guardian. Grades are posted at the end of the fall semester, usually during the first week of January and by the end of May for the spring semester. There are great tutorials on the registrar page of how students can access their grades.
Q: What are the dining hall hours and meal plans during Thanksgiving and Winter Break?
A: Dining halls are closed and there are no meals available during Thanksgiving and Winter Break. The school will be closed on Thanksgiving Day November 28th and November 29th. Winter break begins Friday, December 20th at 6pm, the last day of classes and the college reopens January 2nd. Dining will offer limited lunch options along with some grab and go options during Thanksgiving break for breakfast and dinner. There will also be sign-ups available for Thanksgiving dinners for students to join. This is an ongoing conversation, and we are currently reassessing options. There is no extra charge during breaks.
Q: If a student has an off-campus job, can they be approved for winter break housing?
A: Yes, having an off-campus job does not mean they are not eligible to live on campus during winter break if they are an athlete or international student. If a student needs to live on campus during winter break, they should contact ViAnna Bernard, Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement directly.
Q: If a student comes across a facilities issue in their dorm, who should they contact?
A: Facilities are located on campus in the Ward Building between Schwartz Gym and Park Science. Any repairs, maintenance, housekeeping etc. can be directed to facilities. Students can fill out a request form or email facilities directly. Information can be found here. If the problem isn’t resolved, they can share concerns with Residence Life and Student Engagement.
Q: Is there a prescription policy at the health care center for ADHD medication?
Most colleges have a policy about distributing ADHD medications. Students can walk over to the counseling center and ask how they can get on the schedule with the psychiatrist along with their diagnosis paperwork. Some students will be recommended to go off campus if they do not have the proper paperwork. This is a common issue, but the triage counselor is the best way to get the problem solved.
Q: How do students become peer counselors?
A: Students are welcome to apply! It is a paid campus position 6-8 hours a week each semester. Students who are interested can come to The Nest in The Well and get more information from the Wellness team.
Q: What is the role of a CDA?
A: A CDA or Community Diversity Assistant helps to amplify cultural events on campus and live in every residence hall. CDAs have office hours every week and often advertise culture events on Instagram @inclusion_bmc.
Q: How will the community address and process the results of the election?
A: We have encouraged all students to vote. We offered shuttles to the polls if students were registered under the Bryn Mawr address. We are offering election themed events throughout the week that can be found here.
Q: What advice would you give to students who might feel isolated or having a difficult time?
A: Students can reach out to their class dean. Students also have access to our new wellness room. Hall advisors are also available to encourage students to get involved in clubs and getting to know their customs person in the hall is highly encouraged. You can send students to ViAnna Bernard to check in with the students as well. We also encourage students to explore things on their own, be willing to break out of their comfort zone, and say yes to new and different opportunities. A lot of students experience this, and we remind them often that they are not alone.
Family Zoom-Most Frequently Asked Questions
- Karlene Burrell-McRae, Dean of the Undergraduate College -
- Ann-Therese Ortiz (she/her/hers), Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, and Community Life -
- Beth Kotarski (she/her), Director of Health Services –
- Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience–
- ViAnna Benard (she/her), Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement–
Q: How do students schedule appointments with their advisors?
A: The Class Deans have advising hours available. It is required for students to meet with their Class Dean. If sign-ups are full on calendly (a modern scheduling platform for eliminating the back-and-forth emails to find the perfect time to schedule meetings), students should reach out to their Class Dean directly to schedule an appointment.
Q: Is it common for first-year students to have a busy workload?
A: Yes, first-year students are working on college requirements. Students are encouraged to work on their time management. Meeting with the class dean can be a reliable resource.
Q: What are the dining hall hours and meal plans during fall and spring break?
A: Dining hall hours vary during fall and spring break. We have added meals during spring and fall break, because students are not required to be here, options are limited. This is an ongoing conversation. We maintain records and rely on data from dining services to help manage meal option during breaks. Data shows to the fullest, whatever options are provided during breaks. There is no extra charge during breaks.
Q: Is there room and board coverage for any student leader positions?
A: No, there is no room and board coverage for any student leaders, however we have recently increased stipends for hall advisors.
Q: What is a Dorm Campus Safety Representative?
A: This is a liaison position between the students in the dorm and campus safety. The representative collaborates with campus safety with activities and shares information.
Q: Are the dorms air conditioned?
A: Some of the older dorms do not have air conditioning. Most rooms have window units, however some on specific floors in Rockefeller for example cannot install a window unit due to the window size. Students are encouraged to bring fans, however if a student is having a difficult time due to the heat they should contact the Office of Residence Life and Student Engagement.
Q: If a student comes across a facilities issue in their dorm, who should they contact?
A: Facilities are located on campus in the Ward Building between Schwartz Gym and Park Science. Any repairs, maintenance, housekeeping etc. can be directed to facilities. A request form can be found here.
Q. Can a student change their dorm?
A: Yes, a student may get a room change if there is no other solution and f we have extra rooms. If there is a conflict, students should talk with their Hall Advisor. We typically do not make room changes until October. If it is a facilities issue, students should contact the office of Residence Life and Student Engagement and Facilities.
Q: Is there transportation available late at night to and from Brecan Hall?
A: Yes, students can always call campus safety for a ride, or the lantern van is available which is operated by a student driver.
Q: When will study away students receive housing information for the spring?
A. Students will receive a form in November/December. This is a mini room draw. Students will find out about housing in the second week of January.
Q: Is there a list of Affinity clubs?
A: A list of Affinity clubs can be found here.
Q: Are there any updates about Design Your Life (DYL)?
A: Career and Civic Engagement is prioritizing Design Your Life and there will be many initiatives forthcoming. We are also infusing DYL with the Undergraduate College Division.
Q: Does the college provide vaccinations?
A: Yes, for example, Health Services hosted a flu vaccine and Covid-19 booster clinic on Wednesday, October 2, from 8am-8pm in Old Library Great Hall. This year, Walmart Pharmacy Services required students, faculty, and staff to present current health insurance information via an insurance card or apps directly to information.
Q: Is there a schedule for Owls Fest?
A: Information and updates about Owls Fest can be found here.
Q: What advice do you have for students who may not have experience navigating public transportation going into the city?
A: Septa provides maps, and the college is working on taking trips with students during the fall semester. Most Faculty and staff can also provide helpful insight navigating the city.
Q: What advice would you give to students who might feel isolated or having a difficult time?
A: Students can reach out to their class dean. Students also have access to our new wellness room. Involvement in clubs and getting to know their customs person in the hall is highly encouraged. We also encourage students to explore things on their own, be willing to break out of their comfort zone, and say yes to new and different opportunities. A lot of students experience this and we remind them often they are not alone. Take a leap of faith and explore!
Q: How is Bryn Mawr managing the conflict concerning the middle east, its impact on campus life, encampments, and the honor code?A: We support and encourage students with freedom of expression. We are doing everything possible to make space and provide resources for our students and continue to educate and support students who may feel uncomfortable. As people ask about consequences, related to possible infractions, we must balance students right to express themselves with ensuring students are adhering to the honor code. To that end, it is going to take the entire year to revisit the honor code and engage the community with best practices. We have reached out to outside consultants, students, faculty and staff who will participate in a review of the honor code to ensure the policies and practices align with our values and more nuanced nature of living in a diverse community. This is meant to be a community process, and we will continue to give updates. As of right now, we have not heard about any encampments.
Q: How has the Supreme Court decision on Affirmative Action affected Admissions?
A: We continue to admit the best and brightest students. Over the years, the college has increased partnerships with community based organizations, community colleges, as examples. The more diverse the pool, the more the college is able to admit talented students from diverse backgrounds.
Q: When is the next Family Zoom?
A: The next family information session will be held on Monday, November 4th 9-10am or 7-8pm EST.
Family Zoom-Most Frequently Asked Questions
May 2, 2024
Ann-Therese Ortiz (she/her/hers), Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, and Community Life -
Beth Kotarski (she/her), Director of Health Services –
Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience–
ViAnna Benard (she/her), Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement–
Q: What are some health services that Bryn Mawr provides to students?
A: Health services provides a variety of services to our students at Bryn Mawr. Click here for more information.
Q: Do we need to do anything to enroll for next year financially?
A: Fall semester bills will be available the last week of June and are due August 1st. Billing will take place automatically.
Q: Are there any updates with FAFSA?
A: Financial aid is working to provide the best offer. Any specific questions can be directed to the financial aid office at 610-526-5245 or
Q: Is there an alternative summer language program offered for Russian?
A: RLI is not running this year and we do not have an alternative program available at this time. Russian majors should be in communication with their professors about summer programs through other colleges. Students are also encouraged to talk with the department chair.
Q: How does room draw work for students who will be studying abroad in the Fall?
A: Students will hear from Residence Life toward the end of the fall semester about completing a housing preference form. We will use priority numbers to place them in open spaces based on preference.
Q: What is an honor board?
A: The honor board handles potential honor code violations through a traditional hearing or an alternative resolution process. The chair of the honor board is Tomiko Jenkins, Dean of Student Life.
Q: What is the Deans panel?
A: The Deans panels are conducted in the spirit of the values affirmed in the Bryn Mawr Honor Code: a belief in the integrity of each individual, a concern for others, and a commitment to dialogue. A Deans panel may be convened to investigate and resolve certain concerns about a student’s behavior raised by students.
Q: Will there be parking available for graduation?
A: Parking will be available in all Bryn Mawr College lots. In the event that a lot is full, a uniformed Campus Safety officer or a sign will direct you to the next nearest available lot. Shuttles will also be available and will begin one hour prior to the start of the ceremony and run up to 30 minutes follow the end of the ceremony. Other accommodations can be found here.
Family Zoom-Most Frequently Asked Questions
April 10, 2024
Ann-Therese Ortiz (she/her/hers), Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, and Community Life -
Beth Kotarski (she/her), Director of Health Services –
Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience–
ViAnna Benard (she/her), Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement–
Q: How do we enroll our students for next year?
A: There is nothing you will need to do if your student is a current student. Students will need to select their courses.
Q: Are there any updates with FASFA?
A: FASFA applications were just reviewed in March. Any questions can be referred to the financial aid office.
Q: Will there be 360 offerings this fall?
A: Yes, there are three current 360 clusters and there are two scheduled for Spring 2025. Applications will be available in October.
Q: Will students who have been dropped from a class due to enrollment be given priority next semester?
A: Yes, students should get in this time. Please make sure your student is talking with their class dean so that they are aware.
Q: Have self-scheduled exams discontinued at Bryn Mawr?
A: No, Bryn Mawr continues to have self-scheduled exams.
Q: Where do you students pick up books?
A: Books for class can be purchased through the bookshop.
Q: When will students find out about their room assignments?
A: Dorm assignments are an ongoing process. First year placements will be done in the Summer.
Q: What does holistic care mean?
A: Bryn Mawr provides holistic care. Holistic care focuses on all aspects of healthcare, body, mind, spirit with an emphasis on the individual needs of a person.
Q: Does Bryn Mawr offer acupuncture, massage, or energy therapy?
A: Yes, however we refer to a message therapy practitioner who comes to campus for various events. Energy therapy is something we are offering, and we are very excited about!
Q: What is the counseling center’s capacity to see students?
A: Counseling services have the capacity to see all students, that includes emergency care daily and short-term therapy.
Q: What advice would you give to students who might feel isolated?
A: We encourage students to explore things on their own and to be willing to break out of their comfort zone. They are not alone; a lot of students probably have experienced the same feeling. Take a leap of faith and explore!
Q: Where can students store belongings during the summer break?
A: Most students rent storage units off campus nearby. Local storage units are the cheaper options. There is a school storage option that can be reserved through campus safety; however, space and availability is very limited.
Family Zoom-Most Frequently Asked Questions
March 19, 2024
Karlene Burrell-McRae, Dean of the Undergraduate College–
Richard Gebauer, Dean of Student Success–
Tomiko Jenkins, Dean of Student Life–
Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience–
ViAnna Benard, (she/her), Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement–
Q: Can families visit for special occasions?
A: Absolutely! Coordinate with your student to visit when you would like. Any family member can attend during drop off in August.
Q: Do you have a parent Facebook page or something that allows parents to connect?
A: We do not have a parent Facebook page.
Q: How do we receive information?
A: Information can be found online.
Q: Do you have a family weekend and if so, do you know the date yet?
A: Yes, however dates are still being confirmed.
Q. What is the process to defer if the student wishes to take a gap year before their first year?
A. Admitted students may request to defer their enrollment for one year. Student can access the Deferred Enrollment Policy here.
Q: What if a student must miss mandatory orientation events?
A: Students should only miss if there are extenuating circumstances. Students should reach out to the Dean’s office at or call 610-526-5375 Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM.
Q: When is family orientation and is it in person or virtual?
A: Orientation is one day, Wednesday, August 28th in person from 12-5pm. The schedule will be available in June.
Q: Will advising sessions be available for all time zones?
- Yes, we have students from all over the world and try to make all sessions accessible.
Q: When do students have the opportunity to meet with a Dean to plan their schedule?
- Students are expected to attend group advising sessions that will be held live on zoom. Meetings will be scheduled June 24th-July 3rd at various times. These sessions will provide information on advising. Registration is August 12th.
Q: Is there an opportunity for additional academic advising after the one-hour group advising session?
- Yes. If students want an opportunity for additional academic advising following their group advising session, students are encouraged to reach out to the Associate Dean of the First-Year Experience, Dean MB Horvath, at
Q: Will students have faculty advisors in addition to the deans, advisors, and support staff?
- Yes. The earliest that a student can declare a major is the start of the sophomore year. Once accepted to a major, a student will be assigned a faculty advisor in that academic department. The faculty advisor and the class dean will co-advise students through both the college-wide requirements and the student’s major work plan.
Q: What is the process to start if your student needs learning accommodation? Do you require new testing prior to the start of each year or is it for the entire 4 years?
- If a student is seeking learning accommodations, they must complete a self-identification form, schedule an intake appointment with Access Services by emailing, and submit current documentation from a qualified individual that supports the accommodation request. Students can access the self-identification form and review the recommended steps related to this process here.
Q: What are some services available for students with ADHD or other diagnoses that impact learning styles?
A: We have a large population of students who are neuro diverse, and we have a great deal of support systems here. Students must connect with Deb Adler, Director of Access Services. We encourage students to reach out and begin that conversation as soon as possible. Students can email Deb monitors that email to set up a time to work with students and discuss documentation for evaluation.
Q: How does a student get matched with a counselor?
A: There is an intake process at Counseling Services. The first entry point into the counseling program is to meet with a therapist and just talk about what’s going on. Through the process the student will say, “I want someone that looks like me or that shares my intersexual identities.” There are therapists in our counseling center that have a particular expertise in anxiety, depression, or trauma. Whatever the presenting issue is, your student is then matched with a provider that has that level of specialty in their training. If it’s not a fit, we encourage students to advocate for themselves and to speak up and can be reassigned to a different provider. There are several choices for students to choose from. More information can be found at the Counseling Service website found here, under the “Services and Fees” tab.
Q: What is the process of obtaining a visa for international students?
- The Bryn Mawr website provides an international student handbook that is a helpful resource. The handbook can be found here. You can also visit Travel.State.Gov for more information.
Q: When is move in day for students?
A: International students with F-1 or J-1 visas move in August 27th. Fall Athletes move in based on dates provided by coaches. All students move in August 28th beginning at 9AM. Students cannot move in before the arrival date.
Q: What is the cost of housing at Bryn Mawr and how can we access further information?
A: The Financial aid office will be helpful. Unlike other institutions, housing costs are the same amount across every residence hall. Tuition, fees, and costs can be accessed here or you can reach out to the Financial Aid Department at or call 610-526-5245 Monday-Friday, 9AM-5PM.
Q: Are first year students roomed together in individual dorms even though the buildings have multiple grades?
A: Yes, first year students on most occasions are assigned roommates.
Q: When do student athletes need to arrive to campus?
A: Athletes are expected to arrive at least 2 weeks prior to when other students return. However, depending on the sport, coaches will let student athletes know the exact date on when to return.
Q: Are room assignments normally grouped by athletics as well?
A: Not necessarily, consideration is given for these students who request specific roommates
Q: Are there specific items that are NOT allowed in the dorms?
- For the safety of our students, there are several items not allowed. Cooking appliances, including, but not limited to, toasters, toaster ovens, rice cookers, hot plates, panini makers, grills, and microwaves are not permitted. Coffee makers and electric water kettles with automatic shutoff are permitted in the dorm rooms. More information on Dorm Policies can be found on the Bryn Mawr website under Residential Life.
Q: How can students register to vote in PA? Will they be able to register in time for the November election?
A: The voter registration deadline for the PA primary election is April 8th. More voting information for Students can be found here.
Q. What is the policy on the prepaid tuition program?
A. Bryn Mawr offers two prepaid tuition plans covering four academic years, or eight semesters: tuition only or tuition, room and board, and college fee. Both plans for all four years must be paid by August 1 before the freshman year. Families using this plan will not be subject to further increases in tuition. For more information contact student accounts at
Family Zoom – Most Frequently Asked Questions
December 6, 2023
Karlene Burrell-McRae, Dean of the Undergraduate College -
Mary Beth Horvath, Associate Dean for First Year Experience
Beth Kotarski (she/her), Director of Medical Services
Katie Krimmel, Associate Dean of Career & Civic Engagement Center
ViAnna Benard, (she/her), Assistant Dean for Residential Life and Student Engagement
Ann-Therese Ortiz (she/her/hers), Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion and Community Life
Q: Can you provide information about the upcoming semester-end schedule and academic support available to students?
A: The last day of classes is on December 14th, with the semester concluding on the 22nd. After classes end, support is available for students, including assistance with assignments, finals preparation, and planning for the next semester.
Q: How does class registration work, and when can students expect to hear about their class selections?
A: Students pre-registered for classes from November 13th to 17th. Bryn Mawr class lotteries will be completed this week, Haverford notifications may come in January, and Penn notifications by the end of December.
Q: What is the status of the early decision study abroad programs, and how many students have applied?
A: The early decision study abroad application deadline has passed, with over 30 students applying for the first round. The committee, including faculty members, will review applications for the eight institutions involved.
Q: How can students set up accommodations for the spring semester, and what types of accommodations are available?
A: Students interested in accommodations should follow the process outlined: accommodations link. They should schedule an appointment with Deb Alder, the director of access services, for guidance.
Q: Are there fellowship opportunities available for students, and what are the upcoming deadlines? A: Two fellowship deadlines, Fullbright and Watson, have passed. The Boren fellowship deadline is in January, offering additional opportunities for students.
Q: Can you share information about recent student events, like First Year First Friday and upcoming events?
A: The last First Year First Friday saw over 50 first-year students participating. The upcoming event is a Silent Book Club, providing a relaxing environment for students to study and connect.
Q: Can you share more about the recent winter concert and its impact on students?
A: The winter concert, held last Saturday, provided over a hundred students with a much-needed break and a chance to relax. Despite not being the largest turnout, those who attended had a wonderful time, offering a positive experience amid challenging times.
Q: What is the role of Residential Life Team during the dorm closing process at the end of the semester?
A: Residential Life team plays a logistical role during the dorm closing process, checking rooms for safety and ensuring they are prepared for the break. It's also an opportunity to interact with students and families as they leave for the break.
Q: Can you provide information about the Winter Break Housing application and eligibility criteria?
A: The Winter Break Housing application is currently open, with a deadline approaching. Eligible students include international students, pre-season athletes, and those with specific needs. Decisions were communicated during the last week of classes.
Q: What programming and activities are planned for students during the winter break on campus?
A: There will be meals available every weekday, and additional programming, including crafts, games, movie nights, and a New Year's Eve party, will be organized by student leaders. These activities aim to provide a lively atmosphere during the quieter campus period.
Q: What preparations are underway for the spring semester, particularly regarding student leader hiring?
A: Residential Life is gearing up for student leader hiring for the spring semester. They are already working on logistics, and the process will commence in January and February. It's an exciting time as they assemble the student support teams for the upcoming school year.
Q: How can students get support for roommate issues?
A: Students facing roommate issues can seek support from the Residential Life office. They can visit the office in the Campus Center or email to schedule a meeting. Residential Life staff will work with students to address concerns and explore possible solutions. Roommate conflicts are common, and the office is equipped to assist students in resolving such issues.
Q: Could you elaborate on the updates regarding the Counseling Center's staffing and new access model?
A: The Counseling Center is now fully staffed, and a new triage model has been implemented. Students can access triage hours twice a day without an appointment, ensuring quicker evaluations and reducing the waiting list for ongoing care.
Q: Can you provide more details about the COVID and flu clinics held during the fall semester?
A: Two COVID and flu clinics were conducted during the fall semester, administering over 900 total vaccines. These clinics are believed to have contributed to maintaining a healthy campus environment, with low COVID cases reported.
Q: What are the highlights of the Owl Well initiative and upcoming wellness programs during the break?
A: Owl Well is a new wellness initiative focused on health promotion and programming. During the break, there will be chair massages, stress information sessions, and discussions about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Q: Can you share more information on BIPOC Talk ?
A: Bipoc Talk is a weekly program for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students. Topics covered include racial identity, impostor experience, land ties, positive representation, and cross-group solidarity. It takes place every Tuesday from 4:30 to 5:30.
Q: What are some recent activities and support provided by the Impact Center for Community Equity and Understanding?
A: The Impact Center has been actively involved in supporting students affected by events in the Middle East. They've conducted various programs, including sessions during Family Weekend, the Latinx community's Via de los event, and Native American Heritage Month activities.
Q: How does the Impact Center address issues of diversity and inclusion on campus?
A: The Impact Center works to create dialogue across differences and provides support for students experiencing marginalization. Programs cover a range of topics, from immigrant visibility to first-generation college experiences, fostering a more inclusive campus environment.
Q: Can you confirm that study abroad classes count towards required credits?
A: Yes, study abroad classes during the academic year at approved programs count towards the 32 units needed for graduation. Students should work with their major advisors to determine how these classes may count towards their major or minor requirements. If a student is planning to study abroad over the summer, those credits are considered transfer credits and must be approved in advance through the registrar's office.
Q: Are leadership programs available for first-year students?
A: Yes, the leadership learning laboratory program is available for first-year students. They can participate in this program to enhance their leadership skills and receive detailed feedback on various dimensions of leadership.
Q: What should students do if they don't get into the classes they want?
A: If a student doesn't get into a desired class, they should consider attending the first-class meeting and talking to the professor. Professors may allow students from the waitlist to enroll. Additionally, students should have backup classes in mind and can consult with their class dean and major advisor to explore alternative courses that align with their academic goals.
Q: How does the lottery process work for course registration?
A: The lottery process is used when a course is oversubscribed, meaning more students are interested than there are available spaces. The results of the lottery may involve students being dropped from the class or placed on a waitlist. If on the waitlist, students are encouraged to attend the first class meeting and discuss enrollment with the professor. Students should also have backup classes in case they are unable to enroll in their preferred courses.
Q: What support is available for STEM students interested in studying abroad?
A: STEM students interested in studying abroad should consult with their major advisor to carefully plan their academic path. It is possible for STEM students to study abroad, and the major advisor can help determine which classes may be appropriate to take while away. Planning and coordination with relevant advisors, such as those in pre-health advising, can ensure a smooth study abroad experience for STEM students.
Q: How does the college support students in interfaith accommodation?
A: The college supports interfaith accommodation through various initiatives, including an interfaith engagement floor. The leadership team on the floor, which includes hall advisors and community diversity advisors, collaborates with the Impact Center to offer programs and support. The college recognizes the importance of trained therapists and professional staff to address the needs of students in these living environments. Regular meetings and programs are held to promote interfaith understanding and collaboration. The college continuously evaluates and assesses the effectiveness of such programs.